Match Report: Trefelin BGC 2-2 Ammanford AFC (3-4 Penalties)


Photo Credit: Mike Greenslade ActionTog4Ever

Experience and youth both played crucial roles in Ammanford AFC’s progression through to the third round of the Nathanial MG Cup at the expense of Trefelin BGC in an enthralling cup tie at Ynys Park.


44-year-old assistant manager Wyn Thomas, the man who holds the record for the most Cymru Premier appearances, came off the bench to grab a 96th-minute equaliser for Town before 16-year-old substitute goalkeeper Leo Jones, making his debut in the club’s first team, saved two spot kicks from the resulting shootout to secure passage into the draw for the next round.


A much-changed Ammanford side began the game well with Tristan Jenkins curling a shot narrowly over the bar and Craig Davies going one on one but dragging his shot wide. Meanwhile at the other end, keeper Josh Hutchings on debut had to be alert to prevent the hosts from taking the lead although from the clearance, he was nearly a goal-scoring hero himself as his long ball was caught up in the wind and very nearly dipped under the opposition crossbar.


Ammanford continued to pressure the visitor’s goal through efforts from another debutant Mark Jones alongside other strikes from Davies, Liam Samuel and Jenkins.


But disaster struck for Ammanford with the half nearing the close. Morgan Clarke and Cory Woods tangled near the edge of the penalty area. Referee Thomas Bevan deemed both parties at fault and booked the respective players. But having already been cautioned earlier in the period, Clarke was dismissed from the field leaving Ammanford a man light for the remainder of the game.


Any thoughts of self-pity were clearly not evident in Gruff Harrison’s side as they took the lead with a minute to go until the halftime break. Mark Jones, returning to his former club, rifled a shot from 30 yards out into the bottom corner to give the Black and Whites the lead heading into the interval.


With ten men and forty-five minutes to play, Ammanford spent the second period having to defend resolutely. Their task was made even more difficult with Hutchings sustaining an injury and Leo Jones having to take the field in his place.


Trefelin were attacking well and halfway through the second stanza, they got their deserved reward when youngster Roan Piper slotted the ball home to level the scores.


Further trouble engulfed Ammanford with just twelve minutes left to play. The ball struck Osian Dillon’s arm on the edge of the area. Despite the protests from the visitors about his arms being by his side, referee Bevan pointed to the spot and Piper slotted home his second of the afternoon.


With Ammanford looking like they were heading for a cup exit, a Samuel freekick was knocked down in the penalty area into the path of substitute Thomas who stabbed the ball home, sending the Black and White army into raptures and both sides needing spot kicks to determine progression into the next round.


From the spot, successful conversions from Wyn Thomas, Jay Thomas, Lewis Reed and Harry Huddart set up Leo Jones to be the hero and the youngster took complete advantage. He saved superbly from Jack Bevan and Ceri Williams to ensure Ammanford will be in the hat for the third round of the cup.



Wnaeth profiad ac ieuenctid chwarae ran bwysig i Rhydaman wrth iddynt fynd drwyddo i’r drydedd rownd y Cwpan MG Nathanial Cars yng nghêm gyffrous ar Barc Ynys yn erbyn Trefelin BGC.


Roedd Rhydaman yn colli 2-1 wrth i’r gêm fynd i amser ychwanegol cyn i Wyn Thomas, y gŵr sy’n dal y record am ymddangosiadau mwyaf yn yr uwch gynghrair Cymru, sgorio gôl i lefelu’r gêm ac yn y ciciau o’r smotyn a wnaeth ddilyn, Leo Jones, gŵr 16 oed oedd yn gwneud ei ymddangosiad cyntaf i’r tîm cyntaf, arbed dau ymdrech o 12 llath i sicrhau lle Rhydaman yn y rownd nesaf.


Roedd llawer o newidiadau yn y tîm cychwyn, a dim ond Tom Pratt a Liam Samuel wnaeth gadw eu lle o’r tîm a guro Ffynon Taf wythnos diwethaf. Er y newidiadau, wnaeth Rhydaman ddechrau’r gêm yn dda. Wnaeth cyfleoedd cynnar dod trwyddo Tristan Jenkins a Craig Davies.


I’r tîm cartref, roedd yn rhaid i Josh Hutchings fod ar ddihun i arbed yn dda o ymosodiadwr Trefelin cyn iddo bron a sgorio ei hun. Wrth iddo glirio’r bêl, wnaeth y gwynt ddal ei gic ac wnaeth y bêl bron a gwmpo o dan y bar.


Aeth Rhydaman yn agos wrth i’r hanner fynd ymlaen trwy Mark Jones, Davies a Samuel.


Ond cyn yr egwyl, wnaeth Rhydaman fynd i lawr i ddeg dyn. Wnaeth Morgan Clarke a Cory Woods gwrthdaro ar ymyl y cwrt cosbi. Wnaeth dyfarnwr Thomas Bevan barnu fod y  ddau gŵr ar fai ac fe rhoddodd cerdyn melyn yr un iddynt. Roedd Clarke wedi cael cerdyn melyn yn gynharach yn y hanner a derbyniodd cerdyn coch.


Er hyn, aeth Rhydaman mewn i’r ystafelloedd newid ar yr egwyl ar y blaen. O 30 llath, wnaeth Mark Jones saethu’n bwerys yn erbyn ei gyn-glwbiwr mewn i gornel isaf y rhwyd i roi’r mantes i’r dîm o Sir Gar.


Gyda 10 dyn, roedd llawer o amddiffyn i wneud i Rhydaman yn yr ail hanner ac wnaeth pethau fynd o ddrwg i waeth i’r Du a Gwynion wrth i Hutchings anafu’n gynnar. Leo Jones oedd yr eilydd i gadw gôl.


Er bod Rhydaman yn amddiffyn yn gadarn, wnaeth Trefelin fynd ar y blaen gyda dwy gôl o Roan Piper hanner ffordd trwy’r ail hanner. Ei gôl gyntaf oedd ymdrech smart i ornel isaf y rhwyd cyn iddo sgori o’r smotyn ar ôl llawiad dadleuol gan Osian Dillion.


Ond wrth i Rhydaman edrych fel petai nhw’n mynd allan o’r gwpan, wnaeth cic rydd Samuel disgyn yn garedig i Wyn Thomas yn y cwrt cosbi a wnaeth y dyn 44 oed cicio’r bêl i gefn y rhwyd i sbarduno dathliadau llawen gan y cefnogwyr a deithiodd i Bort Talbot. Wnaeth gôl Wyn Thomas mynd â’r gêm i gigiau o’r smotyn i benderfynu pwy oedd yn symud ymlaen i’r rownd nesaf.


Wnaeth Jay Thomas, Wyn Thomas, Lewis Reed a Harry Huddart sgorio eu hymdrechion nhw i roi’r siawns i Leo Jones gyfle i fod yn arwr i’r dref. A wnaeth y gŵr 16 oed ddim cymgymeriad wrth iddo achub dau ymdrech yn anhygoel i sicrhau lle Rhydaman yn y rownd nesaf.