Llantwit Major 0-0 Ammanford AFC: Match Report

Ammanford maintained their positive start to the campaign with a point on the road against Llantwit Major in the Vale of Glamorgan.


On an afternoon where both sides struggled in front of goal, Lewis Reed forced young Llantwit stopper Ryley Allen into two superb stops either side of half time in Ammanford’s first lockout of the season.


An uninspiring first half passed by without any incident aside from Tom Pratt’s effort from distance and Reed’s header which was palmed over the bar superbly by Ryley Allen in the Llantwit goal.


The hosts started the second half the stronger and could have easily been in front had Rob Jones’ freekick curled a few inches lower.


With the freekick acting as a wake-up call for the Black and Whites, they began to enjoy a little more possession and mustered two good opportunities of their own. Pratt’s effort was deflected wide before Morgan Clarke went even closer as his strike shaved the post.


Both sides struggled to control the game but the home side went close when Tyler Jackson made space for himself at the back post but could only volley over the crossbar.


Reed reignited his battle with Allan in the final ten minutes of the game but similarly to the opening period, it was the stopper that came out on top. The Ammanford striker unleashed a powerful volley from the edge of the box but the young Major stopper flung himself magnificently across goal to prevent Town from opening the scoring.


Both sides exchanged corners in the game’s final minutes but neither side could break the deadlock and both sides had to settle for a point.


Cadwodd Rhydaman ei record positif i’r tymor i fyny gyda phwynt oddi cartref yn erbyn Llanulltid Fawr.


Er i ddwy gyfle da glanio i Lewis Reed i gipio’r tri phwynt, doedd braint ddim cyfleoedd i’r naill dîm wrth iddynt chwarae gêm ddisgwyliedig.


Aeth hanner cyntaf ddiflach fynd heibio heb llawer o ddrama heblaw peniad Reed cael ei arbed dros y bar gan Ryley Allen ac ymdrech o bellter gan Tom Pratt mynd dros y bar.



Cychwynnodd y tîm cartref yr ail hanner yn well. Glaniodd cic rhydd Rob Jones modfeddi dan y trawst.




Roedd y cic rhydd wedi galvanio Rhydaman, ac dechreuon nhw reoli’r gêm ychydig yn well, gyda Pratt yn mynd yn agos cyn i Morgan Clarke saethu modfeddu heibio’r dros postyn ar ôl torri mewn o’r dde.


Er i’r tîm cartref ddarganfod eu hunain o’r ochr anghywir i’r cystadleuaeth, roedden nhw’n teimlo allen nhw cael canlyniad positif o’r pnawn ac aeth Tyler Jackson yn agos iawn, ond methai gadw ei ergyd i lawr.


Saethodd Reed ymdrech arbennig gadarn o ymyl y cwrt gyda deg munud i fynd, ond fel yn y hanner cyntaf, roedd ei ergyd wedi cael ei arbed yn ardidog gan Ryley Allen i’r tîm cartref.


Cafodd y ddau dîm giciau cornel yn y momentau olaf o’r gêm, ond methai greu unrhyw gyfleuon ac aeth y gêm i ben yn ddisgôr.