Match Report: WBS League Cup Semi Final – Ammanford AFC 3-4 Briton Ferry Llansawel

Ammanford were on the wrong end of a 7-goal thriller at the Recreation Ground on Saturday afternoon as their Welsh Blood Service campaign was curtailed at the hands of Briton Ferry Llansawel.


Having taken an early lead, Town were behind at the break. But two quick goals within the opening five minutes of the second half saw the Black and Whites restore the advantage before being pegged back three minutes later.


With the game heading to penalties, substitute Luke Bowen broke the home side hearts to earn his side a date with Llanelli Town in the Southern Section final in April.


Gruff Harrison’s men made the best start possible and were ahead in the opening quarter of an hour. After some fantastic work from Lewis Reed, Tristan Jenkins was released inside the penalty area and found the corner of the net.


Ammanford were playing with confidence and were keeping the dangerous Reds at bay. They had a fantastic chance to double their advantage when Reed connected well with a Liam Samuel cross only to see debutant keeper Alex Pennock save well.


Just minutes later, Ferry were level when the referee deemed that Nich Arnold to have brought Thomas Walters down inside the area. The former Llantwit man picked himself up and scored from the spot to equalise.


Things went from bad to worse just before the interval as another former Llantwit Major man got the go-ahead goal. From a corner, Kris Evans found himself unmarked to give his current charges the bragging rights at the break.


Within seconds of the restart, the home side were level. Lewis Reed rounded off a fine attacking move with a cute finish at the near post and seconds later, Ammanford restored their early lead.


A long ball over the defence saw Jenkins race onto the ball. Despite Pennock coming out to deal with the danger, the winger was too quick and took it around the ex-Penybont and Aberystwyth man and rolled it home into an empty net.


In a frantic start to the half, Ferry were then level minutes afterwards. An unlucky rebound landed kindly at the feet of Walters who made no mistake finding the bottom corner.


Samuel had a glorious opportunity to make it 4-3 to the hosts but his effort was inches over the bar after some great play from Reed down the right wing.


The game calmed somewhat after this chance and the visitors began to enjoy a lot of the ball without really testing Luke Martin in the Ammanford goal.


After bringing on Luke Bowen, Josh Bull and Jack Hurley, the Reds looked the more likely to get the winner and that manifested itself with just 8 to go. A corner fell to Bowen inside the area who lashed home his effort to break town hearts and ensure Ferry’s progression into the Southern section final.


Roedd Rhydaman ar ochr anghywir o gêm saith gôl gyffroes ar Y Rec ar brynhawn Dydd Sadwrn, wrth i Briton Ferry Llansawel sicrhau eu lle yn rownd derfynol adran de o Gwpan Gwasanaeth Gwaed Cymru.


Ar ôl cymryd mantais yn gynnar, aeth Rhydaman i’r egwyl ar ei ôl hi. Ond mewn dechrau ail hanner dramatig, rhannodd y ddau dîm dri gôl yn y deg munud agoriadol. Roedd y gêm yn edrych fel petai’n mynd i gigiau o’r smotyn, ond wnaeth eilydd y Cochion, Luke Bowen, dorri calonnau’r Du a’r Gwynion yn hwyr.


Dechreuodd tîm Gruff Harrison yn dda, a aethant ar y blaen yn gynnar. Wnaeth Lewis Reed chwarae’n dda i ryddhau Tristan Jenkins, a wnaeth orffen yn dda wrth y postyn agosaf.


Roedd y dechreuad da wedi ysbrydoli’r tîm cartref, a wnaeth Reed bron wneud hi’n ddwy ar ôl hanner awr, ond gwelodd ei beniad ei arbed yn dda gan Alex Pennock yn nghôl y gwrthwynebwyr.


Munudau’n ddiweddarach, roedd Briton Ferry Llansawel yn gyfartal. Penderfynodd y dyfarnwr bod Nich Arnold wedi troseddu Thomas Walters yn y cwrt, a chododd yr asgellwr ei draed i rhwydo o 12 llath i unioni’r sgor.


Ac aeth pethau o ddrwg i waeth cyn yr egwyl. O chic gornel, roedd Kris Evans yn rhydd i benio’r bêl i gefn y rhwyd a rhoi’r Cochion ar y blaen ar yr hanner.


Roedd Rhydaman yn gyfartal mewn eiliadau o’r ail ddechrau. Wnaeth chwarae da yng nghanol y cae wedi darganfod Reed yn y cwrt, a wnaeth y prif sgorwr orffen yn dwt ar y postyn agosaf.


Aeth Rhydaman nôl ar y blaen ychydig funudau’n ddiweddarach. Cafodd pêl hir ei ware dros beniau’r amddiffyn. Rhedodd Tristan Jenkins i’r bel, cymryd hi o amgylch Pennock ac orffen yn daclus i’r rhwyd gwag.


Yn anffodus, diflannodd y mantais ddwy funud wedyn. Ar ôl cywiriad anlwcus wrth ymyl y cwrt, orffenodd Walters yn daclus i gornel isaf y rhwyd i unioni’r sgor.


Bu bron Rhydaman yn mynd yn ôl ar y blaen drwy Liam Samuel. Ar ôl chwarae’n dda lawr yr asgell dde gan Reed, croesodd ef y bêl i’r cwrt ond aeth ymdrech Samuel i fyny dros y bar.


Ar ôl dechrau gwyllt i’r ail hanner, setlodd y gêm am ychydig funudau. Roedd y Cochion yn mwynhau’r bêl, ond methasant greu unrhyw gyfle clir ar gôl Luke Martin.


Yn hwyr yn y gêm, daeth Andy Dyer i’r maes a gwnaeth un ohonynt dorri calonnau Rhydaman. Gyda wyth munud i’w ware, orffenodd Bowen yn wych yn y cwrt cosbi i sicrhau lle Briton Ferry Llansawel yn rownd derfynol yn erbyn Llanelli ym mis Ebrill.