Match Report: Ammanford AFC 2-3 Trethomas Bluebirds

Photo Credit: Gabe Morris

Ammanford’s search for their first win goes on after coming on the wrong end of a 3-2 scoreline at the Recreation Ground.

Adam John and Tristan Jenkins’ goals were not enough to earn Town’s first points of the season as efforts from Gareth Tedstone, Lewis Thomas and Ethan Edwards ensured that the three points went back eastwards down the M4.

Both sides made a bright start and both keepers were called into action early in proceedings. Luke Martin, on his return to the starting line up for Ammanford produced a stunning stop from a dangerous freekick before Harry Irving palmed over Ellis Williams’ strike from an acute angle.


Despite going into the contest on the back of three competitive defeats to begin the campaign, it would have been difficult to tell given the the plethora of opportunities to the Black and Whites created in the opening twenty five minutes. Williams, Lewis Reed, Adam John and Tristan Jenkins all went extremely close to giving Town the lead their build up play deserved.


The hosts were made to pay for their wastefulness in front of goal as the visitors took the lead against the run of play. Gareth Tedstone found space inside the area and via the post, slotted his side ahead. 


The Bluebirds’ lead didn’t last long as Gruff Harrison’s men found themselves level within five minutes. After Jenkins had his effort brilliantly stopped by Irving, Town recycled the ball well through Reed who crossed the ball to John. The winger rifled a powerful volley into the bottom corner to restore parity.


But before the interval, Ammanford were behind again. A long ball wasn’t dealt with by the home defence, leaving Leon Thomas to race through and slot the ball home coolly past Martin to give the league leaders at the start of the day the initiative going into the dressing rooms.

The break didn’t change the home side’s fortunes as they found themselves further behind within five minutes of the restart.

The visitors had started the second stanza well with Ryan Bolter going close before they forced Martin into a fantastic save with his feet. But the recycled ball made its way to the back post to the unmarked Ethan Edwards who finished from close range.


The two goals either side of the half stunned Ammanford and were it not for a superb strop from Luke Martin’s torso, they could have found themselves in an even worse situation.

Ammanford were given a fortuitous way back into the game with three minutes to play when referee Teifion Cook pointed to the spot for a handball. Irving stopped Jenkins’ effort superbly onto his crossbar but the rebound was slotted home to set up a grandstand finish.

But despite being camped in the Trethomas penalty area for the entirety of the nearly ten minutes of added time after a head injury to substitute Callum Shirt, Ammanford could not break the stubborn resistance in their way as the visitors stayed top of the league with a 100% record after three games.



Mae Rhydaman yn dal i chwilio am ei fuddugoliaeth gyntaf y tymor wrth iddynt orffen ar yr ochr anghywir gêm 3-2.


Er i Adam John a Tristan Jenkins sgorio eu goliau cyntaf y tymor, roedd ymdrechion gan Gareth Tedstone, Leon Thomas ac Ethan Edwards yn ddigon i gadw lle Adar Gleision Trethomas ar frig y gynghrair.


Dechreuodd y ddau dîm yn dda ac roedd rhaid i’r ddau gôl-geidwad arbed yn dda o gyfleoedd. Ar ôl dod yn ôl i mewn i’r tîm cychwynnol, arbedodd Luke Martin yn wych o gic rydd cyn i Harry Irving droi ymdrech o ongl gul Ellis Williams dros y bar.


Er i’r tîm cartref ddechrau’r tymor gyda thair colled, roedd hi’n anodd gweld hyn ar ôl iddynt greu llawer o gyfleoedd i fynd ar y blaen. Aeth Jenkins, Lewis Reed, John a Williams o fewn trwch blewyn o roi’r fantais i’r du a gwyn.


Ond yn erbyn llif y chwarae, aeth yr Adar Gleision ar y blaen. Chwaraeodd Irving bêl hir dros ben yr amddiffyn i Gareth Tedstone ac fe wnaeth yr ymosodwr orffen yn dwt i roi ei dîm ar y blaen.


Roedd Rhydaman yn gyfartal llai na phum munud wedyn. Ar ôl i Jenkins weld ei ymdrech wedi cael ei harbed yn fendigedig gan Irving, ailgylchodd Rhydaman y bêl yn dda trwy Reed a chroesodd ef y bêl i John a foliodd y bêl adref. 


Ond fel yng ngemau eraill y tymor hwn, methodd Rhydaman â chadw’r momentwm ac fe wnaeth gôl ar ddiwedd yr hanner cyntaf sicrhau bod y tîm cartref yn mynd i’r ystafelloedd newid ar ei hôl hi.


Aeth peniad yn syth i lwybr Leon Thomas ac fe slotiodd yr ymosodwr y bêl heibio Martin i roi’r fantais i’r ymwelwyr.


Aeth pethau o ddrwg i waeth i dîm Gruff Harrison ar ôl yr egwyl. Dechreuodd Trethomas yr ail hanner yn dda wrth i Ryan Bolter fynd yn agos o bellter cyn i Martin arbed gyda’i goesau. Ond o’r cyfle, aeth y bêl allan i’r asgell ac aeth croesiad ar draws y cwrt chwech yn syth at Ethan Edwards a orffennodd o agos.


Fe wnaeth y ddwy gôl roi sioc i Rhydaman ac roeddent yn cael trafferth dod yn ôl i mewn i’r gêm. Ond am arbediad campus Martin gyda’i gorff a stopiodd y sgôr rhag mynd yn waeth.


Cafodd Rhydaman agoriad yn ôl i mewn i’r gêm gyda thair munud i fynd wrth i’r dyfarnwr bwyntio at y smotyn. Cymerodd Jenkins y gic ac er i Irving wneud arbediad gwych, adlamiodd y bêl yn garedig yn ôl at yr asgellwr ac fe orffennodd i osod diweddglo cyffrous.

Ond er i Rhydaman dreulio bron pob eiliad o’r deg munud ychwanegol yn hanner yr Adar Gleision, methon nhw â chael y gôl yr oeddent ei heisiau wrth i Drethomas barhau â’i record cant y cant yn y gynghrair.