Match Report: Ammanford AFC 1-0 Taffs Well FC

Photo Credit: Mike Greenslade

Ammanford were indebted to a first half penalty save from Jack Lansdown and a goal from inform striker Lewis Reed as they won their first match of the 2023/24 JD Cymru South Season on Friday night at the Recreation Ground.


A scrappy start to the match saw the away team force Lansdown into an early save. Taffs Well started the match brightly and were the team pressing without causing Town any significant problems.


Ammanford were looking to Reed, making his league debut and fresh two goals in the midweek cup win as their main outlet. He was causing problems for the visiting defence but required treatment half way through the first half when he was clattered into by Edward King in the opposition goal.


Reed carved the first chance for Gruff Harrison’s side, but his low shot was easily saved after a good run towards goal.


Taffs Well were then presented with an opportunity to take the lead in the 28th minute. Referee Joshua Howells pointed to the spot after what appeared to be an innocuous challenge on the edge of the area.


Home keeper Lansdown then produced an excellent low save to deny Joe Davies who was also unable to convert the rebound.


Reed then missed a golden opportunity before the break as he was unable to convert a one on one against keeper Kind.


Ammanford started the second half on the front foot and Jay Thomas forced King into a strong save earlier on. Tom Pratt was then unlucky with a header which was cleared by the home defence before Reed shot narrowly wide.

The deadlock was eventually broken by the home team on the hour mark. A well-flighted cross from Adam John found Reed in the six yard box who jubilantly poked the ball past King.


Ammanford brought on Tristan Jenkins in the 67th minute, making his second league debut for the club having returned from a stint in the USA. He has the opportunity to double Town’s lead when he was set up by an exquisite through ball from Adam Orme but could only find the side netting.


Taffs Well went in search of an equaliser and went close with a shot that went narrowly wide of the goal. The Ammanford rear guard held firm and the home supporters were relieved to hear the final whistle before celebrating a hard fought three points


Report: Ian Parfitt


Roedd rhaid i Rhydaman ddiolch i’r golgeidwad Jack Lansdown wrth iddo achub cic o’r smotyn yn yr ail hanner a gôl arall i ymosodwr Lewis Reed i’w helpu nhw i gipio tri phwynt pwysig yn erbyn CPD Ffynnon Taf yn ei gêm gyntaf y tymor ar Faes Hamdden ar nos Wener.


Ar ôl dechrau’n fler, wnaeth y gwrthwynebwyr greu’r cyfle cyntaf ac wnaeth Lansdown achub yn dda yn isel.


Cafodd Ffynnon Taf gyfle gwych i fynd ar y blaen wrth i’r dyfarnwr Josh Howells pwyntio i’r smotyn, ond wnaeth  Lansdown, cyn chwaraewr Llanilltud Fawr, achub y tîm cartref wrth iddo ddyfalau yn gywir a stopio’r bel yn mynd i gefn y rhwyd.


Wnaeth Reed gael y cyfle gorau i Rhydaman ond wnaeth Ed King yn y gôl stopio’r siawns yn dda.


Yn yr ail hanner, wnaeth Tom Pratt a Reed fynd yn agos cyn i Rhydaman gymryd y mantais. Wnaeth croesiad da Adam John ddarganfod Reed yn y cwrt chwech a wnaeth o ddim camgymeriad i sgori ei drydedd gôl yr wythnos hon.


Ar 67 munud, daeth Tristan Jenkins ar y cae am ei ymddangosiad cyntaf ers dod yn ôl i Gymru ar ôl tymor yn America ac aeth e’n agos i ddwblu mantais Rhydaman wrth iddo gysylltu â phêl melus Adam Orme, ond i’r rhwyd ochr aeth ei ymdrech.


Aeth Ffynnon Taf yn agos i lefelu’r sgôr yn hwyr yn y gêm ond wnaeth amddiffyn Rhydaman yn aros yn gadarn i sicrhau tri phwynt pwysig ac ail lecio lan mewn 72 awr.


Adroddiad: Ian Parfitt