Match Report: Ammanford AFC 3-1 Abergavenny Town

Tristan Jenkins’ second half brace ensured Ammanford returned to winning ways with a confident 3-1 victory over Abergavenny Town.


Lewis Reed had given the hosts the lead before Rhys Schwank levelled for the visitors on the stroke of half time.


But Jenkins’ pair of goals in as many second half minutes ensured that Ammanford got their rewards for a fine performance in front of a healthy crowd of 308 on Bank Holiday Monday.


Led out by the mascots of Ammanford under 7’s, Ammanford started the game brightly and enjoyed the vast majority of the ball in the early exchanges. Both wingers and fullbacks looked to get forward at every opportunity although Morgan Clarke’s curling effort which went narrowly wide of the post was the only reward for their superiority on the ball.


Gruff Harrison’s men finally got the reward for their early dominance halfway through the first stanza. Clarke took off on a mazy run down the right-hand side and unselfishly cut it back to Reed who had the simple task of guiding the ball into the back of the net.


After taking the lead, Ammanford continued to dictate the game and created numerous chances. Adam John rifled a venomous shot from 30 yards which whistled over the bar whilst Ellis Williams’ header was tipped superbly onto the bar by Cameron Clarke in the opposition goal.


But the visitors were level seconds before the interval. Schwank danced his way into the area and his shot looped into the back of the net via a wicked deflection.


Despite the setback going into the break, Ammanford didn’t let it deter them as they were back in front just five minutes into the second half. Clarke was again the source of the Town danger as he was brought down inside the area giving the referee little option other than giving a penalty. Jenkins sent the keeper the wrong way to restore the advantage.


Two minutes later, the lead was increased. Jenkins broke through the defence and forced keeper Clarke into a superb save. However, the danger wasn’t dealt with by the visiting defence allowing Jenkins to score his second of the afternoon with a sumptuous finish.


The Black and Whites pushed for a fourth with Jenkins and Reed being denied by fine stops again from Clarke in the opposition goal.


To their credit, Abergavenny continued to take the game to Ammanford and carved out two fantastic chances of their own. George Clarke pounced on a defensive error but could only roll the ball wide before Paolo Marenghi forced Jack Lansdown into a fine save down low.


Ammanford did create one more chance at the death as a goal-mouth scramble saw Clarke and sub Leon Luby go close. But the ball could only spin wide of the post to earn a well-deserved three points.



Dwy gôl mewn dwy funud o droed Tristan Jenkins wnaeth sicrhau fuddugoliaeth gampus ar Faes Hamdden Rhydaman ar Wyl y Banc Mis Awst.


Aeth Rhydaman ar y blaen ar ôl gôl Lewis Reed ond cyfartalodd y Fenni cyn yr egwyl. Ond llwyddodd asgellwr Jenkins i sgori dau gôl yn gynnar yn yr ail hanner i gipio tri phwynt pwysig ar ôl colli yn erbyn Lido Afan y tro diwethaf.


Dechreuodd Rhydaman y gêm yn dda ac roedden nhw’n rheoli’r bêl yn dda yng nghanol y cae. Er hynny, dim ond ymdrech Morgan Clarke a aeth heibio’r post a wnaeth achosi trafferth i’r gwrthwynebwyr.


Hanner ffordd drwy’r hanner cyntaf, aeth Rhydaman ar y blaen. Rhedodd Clarke yn wych i’r cwrt cosbi cyn iddo chwarae’r bêl i Reed a basiodd y bel i gefn y rhwyd.


Roedd Rhydaman yn hyderus ac ar ôl y gôl, chwaraeodd nhw’n dda. Ymdrechodd Adam John o bellter cyn i beniad Ellis Williams gael ei achub yn wych gan Cameron Clarke yn gôl y Fenni.


Ond er i Rhydaman dominyddu’r gêm, aethon nhw i’r ystafell newid yn gyfartal. Gurodd Rhys Schwank ei ddyn cyn ymdrechu at y gôl ac gyda chywrain fawr, llwyddodd i lwytho’r bêl dros ben Jack Lansdown i gefn y rhwyd.


Cymrodd y ddu a’r gwynion bum munud i mewn i’r ail hanner i fynd ar y blaen. Cafodd Clarke ei lorio yn y cwrt cosbi ac nid oedd amheuaeth gan y dyfarnwr Ieuan Lewis i bwyntio at y smotyn. Anfonwyd Jenkins y golwr yn anghywir i sgorio o 12 llath.


A munud wedyn, dwblodd Jenkins y mantais. Rhedodd Jenkins drwy’r amddiffyn ond llwyddodd Clarke i achub yn arbenning. Serch hynny, methodd yr amddiffyn i glirio’r bêl i roi ail gyfle i Jenkins sgorio ac fe’i hawgrymodd i rwystro ei drydedd gôl y tymor.


Aeth Jenkins a Reed yn agos at y pedwerydd gôl ond methon nhw ddarganfod y gôl. I glod i Abercrafeni, ymdrechodd nhw am gôl tan y diwedd. Aeth George Clarke yn agos ar ôl camgymeriad yn yr amddiffyn cyn i Lansdown achub yn dda yn isel gan Paolo Marenghi.


Roedd amser ar y diwedd am un siawns arall i’r tîm gartref ar ôl taflu yn y cwrt chwech. Aeth Clarke a Leon Luby yn agos ond aeth y bêl yn fyr o’r postyn.