Match Report: Taffs Well 4-5 Ammanford AFC


Morgan Clarke’s hattrick ensured Ammanford recorded their first-ever victory in the Welsh Blood Service League Cup.


The midfielder bagged three goals on a night that saw nine goals shared between the two league rivals in an enthralling affair at the Gentles Construction Ltd Stadium.


Ammanford made a blistering start to the game and found themselves two goals to the good in the opening twelve minutes. Callum Thomas played a beautiful ball down the left handside which fed Clarke. The marauding midfielder beat his man and his low effort nestled into the back of the net to give Ammanford the lead.


Just a minute later, the Black and Whites doubled their lead and again it was Clarke the man on the scoresheet. In a reverse from Monday’s opener, Lewis Reed fed in the midfielder who in an almost identical situation to what he found himself a minute earlier, buried the ball into the bottom corner.


But any hopes of an easy night for Ammanford were dashed within five minutes as poor defending let the Wellmen back into the game. From two yards out, Ellis Sage had the simple task of tapping the ball home at the far post to halve the arrears.


Although Ellis Williams had to be alert to prevent a dangerous counterattack, Ammanford reacted in the best way possible with two goals in quick succession. Clarke was denied a hattrick by a superb stop but from the resulting corner, Euros Griffiths finished well from close range to restore the two goal lead.


Three minutes later, Ammanford were increased the advantage. Great build up play from Reed set up Thomas to beat the offside trap. The youngster fired a venomous shot into the roof of the net to notch his first goal of the campaign.


The hosts started the second half well and got the goal they craved with an hour gone. The visitors failed to deal with the danger from a corner allowing Harry Treharne to unleash an unstoppable strike into the back of the net.


Taffs Well were buoyant and debutant keeper Luke Martin had to be on hand twice to keep the gap to two as he saved superbly one-on-one from goal scorer Sage before confidently stopping a long range effort.


Despite being under pressure for large periods of the second stanza, it was Ammanford who got the 7th goal of the evening. Lewis Reed was brought down inside the area and unselfishly, handed the ball to Morgan who put the ball down the middle to round off his trio of goals.


With Ammanford seemingly cruising, the resilient home side refused to lay down and made life extremely difficult with two late goals of their own. Owain Edwards cut the deficit before Sage got his second of the night finishing neatly at the front post.


But despite a late flurry of goals, Ammanford stayed strong at the end and defended well throughout stoppage time to earn progression in the league cup for the first time since its creation last season.


Wnaeth hatric Morgan Clarke sicrhau ei fuddugoliaeth gyntaf erioed yn y Cwpan Cynghrair Gwasanaeth Gwaed Cymru ar noson ddifyr yn Ffynon Taf.


Wnaeth y chwaraewr canol cae sgorio tri gol ar noson welodd naw gôl yn cael eu rhannu rhwng dau dîm o Gynghrair JD Cymru De.


Dechreuodd Rhydaman y gêm yn gyflym iawn ac roedden nhw 2-0 i fyny ar ôl 12 munud. Sgorodd Clarke ei gôl cyntaf ar ôl cael ei chwarae i mewn gan Callum Thomas cyn i Lewis Reed ddychwelyd y ffafr o prynhawn Dydd Llun a chwarae’r bêl yn berffaith i Clarke i ddwblu mantes y Du a Gwynion.


Ond wnaeth unrhyw obaith o noson hawdd i dîm Gruff Harrison diflannu pum munud wedyn ar ôl i amddiffynwyr adael Ellis Sage yn rhydd ar y postyn pellaf i dapio’r bel adre o ddwy llath.


Ymatebodd Rhydaman yn y ffordd gorau posib trwy sgori dwy gôl mewn tair munud. Sgoriodd Euros Griffiths yn daclus ar y postyn pellaf ar ôl cornel wych Craig Davies cyn i Thomas sgori ei gôl cyntaf y tymor ar ôl chwarae da Reed.


Roedd Rhydaman o dan bwysau yn yr ail hanner a chafodd Ffynon Taf y gôl oeddent ei eisiau ar ôl y marc awr. Wnaeth amddiffynwyr Rhydaman methu delio gyda chic cornel ac saethodd Harry Treharne yn bwerus i gornel y rhwyd.


Er y pwysau roedd y tîm cartref yn rhoi ar yr ymwelwyr, sgoriodd Rhydaman y 7fed gôl y noson. Lloriodd amddiffynwr Ffynon Taf Reed yn y cwrt. Saethodd Clarke y bêl i lawr y canol i gwblhau ei hatric am y noson.


Roedd diwedd y gêm yn nerfus iawn i Rhydaman wrth i’r tîm cartref sgori dwy gôl hwyr i gynnwys ei gefnogwyr. Sgoriodd Owain Edwards cyn i Sage sgori ei ail gôl y noson ar ôl torri’n rhydd o’r amddiffyn.