Ammanford AFC would like to thank all supporter for their help, patience and understanding with regards the slowness of entering the ground.

The track and trace form is mandatory and has to be completed under the FAW and Welsh assembly guidance. We would ask all wishing to attend Friday’s game, complete the link below.

Please take a print screen on completion of the form and show on arrival.

This will speed up the entry into the game.

Ammanford AFC would like to thank you for your continued support and understanding at these difficult times.

COVID Officer.

A portable toilet will be open at the ground. The FAW may be in attendance.

During this difficult time, was ask all supporters to cooperate with the volunteers as these measures are a FAW stipulation.

Risk Assessment

Code of Conduct


Ammanford AFC would like to welcome our supporters back to the ground on Wednesday 7th July for a 7.30pm KO.

We would like to welcome the playing team of Pontardawe.

Please complete this Medical Questionnaire and bring it with you (Word or PDF)

Entry will be £3 on a first come first serve basis, currently limited to 100.

Every spectator will have to complete a form on entry (a bit like a self assessment) this will help track and trace and we will have to keep this data for 21 days after which they will be destroyed.

The tea-room will be open for this game with social distancing in operation.

Spectators will have to maintain a 2 metres distance and we will respectfully ask everyone on entry to do this, of course family bubbles will not have to adhere to this but will have to maintain a 2 metres social distance from the nearest person outside the bubble.

Unless medically exempt face masks are to be worn, again this is a FAW stipulation.

Our plans are that many spectators will be able to stand around the ground and weather permitted the use of the stand at stipulated areas, warning tape will be placed in areas not to be used, this will equal 100, although going forward we hope we can have an increased number of spectators.

A portable toilet will be open at the ground. The FAW may be in attendance.

During this difficult time, was ask all supporters to cooperate with the volunteers as these measures are a FAW stipulation.

Risk Assessment

Code of Conduct

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