Preseason Match Report: Ammanford Town 2-2 Evans and Williams

English Report


Two goals apiece in either half saw Ammanford draw their first game of preseason against Llanelli based outfit Evans and Williams on a beautifully sunny July evening at the Recreation Ground.


Jay Thomas had put Town ahead from the spot half way through the first half before goals either side of the half time whistle had put the West Wales Premier League side ahead. Lewis Reed’s header with fifteen minutes to go ensured that the Carmarthenshire bragging rights were shared equally.


Bolstered by the news of a returning Tristan Jenkins was to be returning to the squad soon, a healthy contingent of the Black and White Army got to see a number of the other new recruits in Town colours for the first time.


However, despite the new faces, there was very little in terms of clear-cut goal chances as both sides felt their way into preseason preparation. For the hosts, Thomas broke beyond the offside trap and could only lift his chance wide of the target whilst at the other end, the lively former Ammanford Man Bruno Forkuoh cut inside but sterling defensive work from Ammanford saw him fail to muster a clear opportunity of note.


The best chance of the opening quarter fell to the visitors. Evans and Williams intercepted the ball in midfield and after some delicate interplay on the edge of the box, the ball made its way acoss the six yard area to Forkuoh who fortunately, could only hit the face of the post with his effort.


This chance sparked Ammanford into life and the hosts were ahead five minutes later. Morgan Clarke was felled in the area leaving referee Ben Williams with little choice other than to point to the spot. From the resulting spot kick, Jay Thomas blasted the ball past the keeper despite him going the right way.


But Ammanford couldn’t hold onto the lead until the interval. A free kick from the left hand side was delivered beautifully into the box and the onrushing Evans and Williams attacker’s header found its way into the bottom corner leaving Lansdown with no chance in the Town goal.


Evans and Williams seized the initiative five minutes after the break. A freekick was again the outlet of danger for the visitors and with the Ammanford defence failing to clear the danger, Forkuoh successfully buried the opportunity on the second time of asking.


The visitors were now playing with an air of confidence and only a strong save from point blank range from Lansdown kept the deficit to one.


In credit to Town, this chance galvanised them and in the final quarter, came on stronger. The dangerous Reed was creating problems for the opposition defence, firstly forcing an excellent stop from the keeper before his header from a floated freekick landed narrowly wide.


But it was third time lucky for the ex Llanelli and Pontardawe man as he wasn’t to be denied a maiden goal in Ammanford colours. A short corner routine was worked well into the box and Reed met the ball with his head expertly to find the bottom corner.


Ammanford created two further chances to possibly win the game. Reed went close again and Harry Hubbart went closer still with a rasping 25 yard shot being tipped onto the post. Although the rebound was put into the back of the net, the linesman’s flag correctly ruled the effort out for offside.


The final word of the match went to Evans and Williams with the last kick of the game. A long throw was worked into the box. Forkuoh nearly made himself the hero for the maroons but his effort cannoned off the bar and the rebound was hooked over.


Starting XI: Lansdown; Samuel, Griffiths, Harris, Rees, Clarke, Trialist, Hoddart, Orme, Thomas, Reed


Adroddiad Cymraeg


Dwy gôl yr un yn y ddwy hanner welodd Rhydaman yn chwarae gem gyfartal yn ei gem cyntaf yn gemau cyn tymor 2023.


Wnaeth Jay Thomas roi’r dref ar y blaen ond wnaeth goliau naill ochr o hanner amser roi’r ymwelwyr ar y blaen cyn i beniad Lewis Reed unioni’r sgôr yn hwyr.


Ar noson hyfryd o haf yn Rhydaman, doedd dim llawer o gyfleoedd clir i ddarlledu yn gynar gyda’r ddwy dim yn creu hanner cyfleoedd. I’r tîm cartref, wnaeth Thomas dorri’r trap camsefyll ond methu codi’r bêl yn gywir i’r gol ac ar y pen arall, wnaeth cyn chwaraewr y dref Bruno Forkuoh droi mewn i’r gol ond wnaeth yr amddiffynnwr dilio’r perygl yn dda.


Wnaeth y cyfle cliraf gyntaf disgyn i’r ymwelwyr ar ôl iddyn nhw fanteisio ar gamgymeriad yn canol cae Rhydaman. Ar ol chwarae da wrth ymyl y cwrt cosbi, cafodd y bêl ei ware ar draws y cwrt chwech i Forkuoh ond yn anffodus i’r tîm o Lanelli, wnaeth ei ymdrech guro’r postennau a disgyn yn ddiogel.


Wnaeth y cyfle yna ddeffro’r tîm cartref ac pum munud wedyn, aeth Rhydaman ar y blaen. Cafodd Morgan Clarke ei lorio yn y cwrt cosbi ac wnaeth y dyfarnwr Ben Williams ddim amheuaeth i bwyntio at y smotyn. Sgorodd ymosodwr Rhydaman Thomas gyda chic i’r dde o’r golgeidwad oedd yn bwerus i’r cornel isaf.


Ond wnaeth y tîm cartref methu cadw’r mantais ac cyn yr egwyl, roedd Evans ac Williams yn gyfartal. Daeth cic rydd i mewn i’r cwrt ac pen rhif wyth yr gwrthwynebwry wnaeth cyfarfod ag ef gyntaf. Wnaeth y beniad darganfod gefn y rhwyd yn gadael golgeidwad newydd Rhydaman Jack Lansdown dim siawns o gwbl.


Ac aeth pethau o ddrwg i waeth i’r tîm cartref ar ôl yr egwyl. Cic-rhydd oedd eto y perygl wrth i’r amddiffynnwyr methu delio’r gyda’r bêl i mewn i’r cwrt. Ar ôl dwy gyfle, roedd gan cyn ymosodwr Rhydaman Bruno Forkuoh gyfle hawdd i roi ei dim ar y blaen am y tro cyntaf a chymerodd e’r cyfle’n dda iawn.


Roedd cynyffonau’r Evans a Williams yn yr awyr ac roedden nhw’n chwarae pel-droed llawn hyder. Dim ond arbediad gampus yn agos gan Lansdown a gadwodd y sgôr i 1-2.


Ond i glod Rhydaman, daeth y gwyn a duon i mewn i’r gem yn fwy wrth i’r ail hanner fynd ymlaen. Roedd Reed yn pen tost trwy gydol y noson i’r amddiffynnwyr ac roedd e’n brysur drwy gydol y gem. Gwelodd e ddwy gyfle yn mynd yn agos, yn gyntaf yn dod ac arbediad gampus o’r golgeidwad cyn iddo bwyntio’r bêl yn llydan o’r postyn ar ol cwrdd a chic rhydd gyda ei ben.


Ond y trydydd tro oedd y yn lwcus i gyn-ymsangwrwr Pontardawe a Lanelli. Daeth cornel byr cynnyrch cyfle croesi i mewn i’r cwrt ac heb amheuaeth, peniodd Reed y bêl i gefn y rhwyd.


Roedd siawnsys i’r ddwy dim i gipio’r fuddugoliaeth yn hwyr. I Rhydaman. Wnaeth Harry Hubbart guro’r postennau gyda chwiban rhydd a gwnaeth Reed fynd yn agos eto ac i Evans a Williams, dim ond trawst oedd yn eu stopio rhag sgorio ei drydedd gôl y gem gyda chic olaf y noson.


Tîm Cychwyn: Lansdown; Samuel, Griffiths, Harris, Rees, Clarke, Trialist, Hoddart, Orme, Thomas, Reed