Preseason Match Report: Ammanford Town 9-1 Seven Sisters Onllwyn


Ammanford continued to build momentum ahead of the first competitive game of the season next Saturday with a confident 8-1 victory against Ardal South West outfit Seven Sisters Onllwyn.


Despite the visitors from the Neath valley taking the lead in the first half, goals from Callum Thomas, Tom Pratt and Rhys Fisher alongside braces apiece for Lewis Reed, Morgan Clarke and Tristan Jenkins put a rather comprehensive gloss on Town’s third game in the space of a week.


On the back of two positive results against Evans and Williams and Chepstow Town, the hosts made a strong start and had two excellent opportunities in the opening ten minutes to take the lead. First through Lewis Reed who dragged his shot narrowly wide after a quick counterattack before Jay Thomas drew an acrobatic stop from the visiting keeper.


Despite the early dominance, it was the visitors took the lead after a quarter of an hour. A well timed run from the Seven Sisters number 11 broke the offside trap saw him one on one with Jack Lansdown but the former Llantwit man could do nothing to stop a venomous drive into the top corner.


Town weren’t behind for long and were level just a minute later. Callum Thomas built on his goal from Saturday with a low drive in to the bottom corner. The comeback was complete six minutes later through the lively Morgan Clarke. Some bright play down the right hand side teed up Adam John in the box who cushioned the ball back to Clarke. From 8 yards out, Clarke made the chance count, burying the ball into the bottom corner.


Gruff Harrison’s side increased their advantage on the half hour mark. Following a free kick on the edge of the box, Reed scored his third in as many preseason games with a free kick low into the bottom corner.  A fourth followed before half time. The flanks were again the source of the chance. A great cross from the left hand side met the head of Reed who added to his earlier free kick heading back past the keeper to put Ammanford into a commanding position at the interval.


Although Liam Samuel’s speculative effort hit the bar within the opening sixty seconds of the second half, it took nearly half way through the second period for Town to increase their advantage. Jenkins marked his first game back in Town colours with a cool finish from the penalty spot and it was the same man who finished the pick of Ammanford’s goals just five minutes later. A flowing move that started deep in Town’s half and involved six players in black and white was well finished from close range by the man who spent last season in America.


With the game meandering towards its conclusion, the men from Carmarthenshire added three further goals in the final stages. Firstly by Pratt who’s header was too powerful for the keeper to deal with, then Clarke added a second with a good finish from close range before Fisher added a third in the dying seconds to give Town a comfortable win.



Mae Clwb Pêl-droed Rhydaman yn cadw adeiladu momentwm tuag at y tymor newydd wrth iddynt guro tîm Ardal De Gorllewin Seven Sisters Onllwyn ar y Rec ar nos Fawrth.


Roedd goliau gan Callum Thomas, Louis Reed (2), Morgan Clarke (2), Tristan Jenkins (2), Tom Pratt, a Rhys Fisher yn ddigon da i guro’r tîm o’r dyffryn Nedd yn y trydedd gêm cyn tymor i’r gwyn a duon.


Ar ôl dau gem positif yn yr wythnos diwethaf, dechreuodd Rhydaman y gêm yn dda. Wnaeth Louis Reed rolio’r pêl yn agos i’r postyn cyn i Jay Thomas ddod ac arbediad acrobatig o’r golgeidwad.


Er y pwysau cynnar o’r tîm cartref, yr ymwelwyr sgoriodd y gôl cyntaf ar ôl chwarter awr. Wnaeth yr ymosodwr curo’r trap camsefyll amddiffynnol a daro’r bêl i gornel uchaf y rhwyd.


Ond roedd Rhydaman yn gyfartal munud ar ôl hyn wrth i Callum Thomas adeiladu ar ei gôl o ddydd Sadwrn gyda gôl dda o ymyl y cwrt. Aeth y Dref ar y blaen chwe munud ar ôl hyn wrth i Morgan Clarke orffen gyfle dda o wyth llath o’r gôl yn y cwrt cosbi.


Wnaeth y Dref ddwblu’r mantais ar yr hanner awr. Wnaeth yr ymosodwr Rhydaman gael ei lorïo wrth ymyl y cwrt ac o’r cic rhydd, Lewis Reed wnaeth saethu’r bêl i gornel isaf y rhwyd i sgorio ei drydedd gôl mewn tri gem mewn lliwiau Rhydaman. Roedd amser i bedwaredd gôl ac ail gôl i Reed cyn yr egwyl wrth iddo benio’r bêl i gefn y rhwyd ar ôl gwaith da lawr yr asgell chwith.


Er i gig rhydd Liam Samuel daro’r trawst yn gynnar yn yr ail hanner, cymerodd ef tan yr awr i Rhydaman i greu cyfle arall. Ar ôl tacl esgeulus yn y cwrt cosbi, wnaeth Tristan Jenkins sgorio ei gôl cyntaf ers ddod yn ôl i Rhydaman o’r smotyn.


Ar ôl hyn, wnaeth y goliau lifo i Rhydaman. Y gôl gorau oedd y chweched wrth i symudiad da gychwyn yn cwrt cosbi Rhydaman gael ei orffen gan Jenkins am ei ail gôl.


Yn y munudau olaf, roedd amser i dîm Gruff Harrison ychwanegu at y sgor. Wnaeth chwarae da adael i Clarke gydio ei ail gôl o’r noson cyn i beniad Pratt ac orffeniad Fisher rhoi ddiweddglo i’r wledd o goliau am y noson.