Match Report: Afan Lido 4-2 Ammanford AFC

Photo Credit: Mike Greenslade ActionTog4ever

Three goals in the final ten minutes saw Ammanford surrender their 100% JD Cymru South record on a wet and miserable evening at the Marstons Stadium.


Having gone behind in the first half, Town led thanks to goals from Adam John and Tristan Jenkins either side of the interval. Although they created plenty of chances, it was Lido who provided the late drama on this occasion to keep their own perfect record in the JD Cymru South.


On a night that wouldn’t have looked out of place in the bleak winter months of the season, Ammanford started the game well and carved out a number of openings in the opening half hour. Ellis Williams drove the ball narrowly over the bar, Morgan Clarke was denied by the keeper whilst Jenkins went close with a pair of opportunities to give the visitors the lead.


Despite Ammanford creating plenty of chances, it was the hosts that took the lead with ten minutes to go in the first half. Chris Jones won the ball back in midfield before playing in Liam Griffiths who fed Jordan Webber who rolled the ball past the wrong-footed Lansdown.


Despite the setback, Town got the goal that their play deserved just five minutes later. A corner from the left-hand side wasn’t dealt with by the home defence which allowed John to poke home from four yards out.


Ammanford started the second half at a frantic pace and created three clear chances in the first five minutes. Jenkins went close twice, firstly with a looping effort then dragging a shot narrowly wide before Lewis Reed saw a one-on-one superbly stopped by Exauce Dimonekene in the home goal.


The visitors got their reward for their attacking dominance just a minute after Reed’s effort. Again, a corner wasn’t dealt with and the ball bounced kindly to Jenkins in the area to rifle home a powerful strike into the back of the net.


Lido responded well to losing their advantage and Town were indebted to keeper Lansdown for keeping the scores level as he produced two superb stops in as many minutes.


Chris Jones curled an effort goalwards which was brilliantly palmed away before Ioan Evans unleashed a venomous strike from the edge of the box which looked for all the world to be finding the top corner. Somehow, the former Llantwit man got a touch on it to tip the ball over.


Ammanford were finding it difficult to resist wave after wave of Red pressure which finally told when Griffiths finished well inside the penalty area with eight minutes to go.


Lido regained the lead with three minutes to go. John Hall’s shot from distance squirmed into the bottom corner. As the home side wheeled off in celebration, the linesman raised his flag. Despite the intervention, the referee overruled his assistant to give the goal.


Ammanford were pushing for a leveller but it was Lido who further extended their advantage. No one in Black and White picked up Ieuan Evans on the edge of the six yard area giving him the simple task of finishing at the near post to cement the preservation of Lido’s perfect league record.


Tair gôl yn y ddeg munud olaf wnaeth sicrhau bod Rhydaman yn colli ei record cant a chant yn y JD Cymru De am y tymor 2023/24.


Ar ôl mynd ar ei ôl hi, wnaeth goliau gan Adam John a Tristan Jenkins naill ochr i’r hanner roi Rhydaman ar y blaen. Ond er i Rhydaman sgori goliau hwyr mewn ei gemau ddiweddar, cadwodd Lido Afan y cyffro tan y funudau olaf trwy sgori tri i gadw ei record berffaith ei hun.


Ar noson wyllt a gwyntog, dechreuodd ymwelwyr ddechrau’n dda a chreu llawer o gyfleoedd i agor y sgor. Aeth Ellis Williams yn agos gyda foli, cadwodd y golgeidwad ymdrech Morgan Clarke allan a methodd Tristan Jenkins gyda dau gyfle.


Er i Rhydaman ymosod yn dda, y tîm cartref aeth ar y blaen. Rhyng-gipiodd Chris Jones y bêl yng nghanol y cae cyn iddo roi’r bêl i Liam Griffiths. Pasiodd y bêl i Jordan Webber a saethodd ef i gornel isaf y rhwyd.


Ond wnaeth Rhydaman unioni’r sgôr cyn yr egwyl. Wnaeth yr amddiffyn ddim delio gyda chornel o’r asgell chwith ac roedd gan Adam John y dasg hawdd o roi’r bêl i gefn y rhwyd o bedair llath.


Dechreuodd Rhydaman yr ail hanner yn gyflym ac wnaethon nhw greu tair cyfle gwych yn y pum munud agoriadol. Aeth Jenkins yn agos ddwywaith gyda chodiad ac ymdrech o bellter cyn i’r golgeidwad arbed yn ardderchog o ymdrech Lewis Reed i rhoi’r bêl allan am gornel.


O’r gornel, aeth Rhydaman ar y blaen. Methodd yr amddiffyn delio â’r bêl mewn i’r cwrt eto ac y tro hyn, wnaeth Jenkins ddim camgymeriad wrth saethu’r bêl i’r gôl.


Wnaeth y tîm cartref ymateb yn dda ac roedd rhaid i dîm Gruff Harrison fod yn ddiolchgar i Jack Lansdown yn y gôl am gadw’r mantes. Arbedodd ef yn wych o ymdrech Jones cyn iddo dipio’r bêl yn ardderchog dros y bar o ymdrech pwerus Ioan Evans.


Gyda wyth munud i fynd, roedd y pwysau’n ormod i Rhydaman ac unioniodd Lido’r sgôr. Orffennodd Griffiths yn dda o wyth llath allan ac aeth pethau o ddwrg i waeth o bum munud wedyn.


Saethodd Jack Hall y bêl o drigain llath ac fe chwistrellodd y bêl i mewn i’r rhwyd er i’r llimanwr godi ei fflag am gamsefyll. Ar ôl sgwrsio gyda’r dyfarnwr, safodd y gôl ac roedd Rhydaman ei ôl hi gyda tair funud i fynd.


Aeth Rhydaman ar ôl y gêm trwy wneud pedair eilydd ond cafodd y tîm y cartref y nôd olaf yn y gêm. Gadawodd amddiffyn llac Ieuan Evans yn rhydd ar y postyn agosaf a chafodd ef y dasg hawdd o astudio’r bêl adref o chwech llath i sicrhau’r fuddugoliaeth.