Match Report: JD Welsh Cup. Ammanford AFC 0-0 (3-1) Taffs Well


Report By Ian Parfitt


Ammanford progressed to the second round of the FAW Welsh Cup at the Rec on Friday evening with a 3-1 penalty shootout win against Taffs Well after a hard-fought 90 minutes had produced no goals.


This was the third competitive fixture between the two sides this season and with the first two having been won by Ammanford. But it was Taffs Well who came out of the blocks quickly looking to make it third time lucky. The visitors had the first decent goalscoring opportunity in the tenth minute when full back Adam Ward raced into the area but could only send his shot wide of the far post.


A couple of minutes later Callum Thomas had the first chance for the home team when he cut into the area and forced a good save from keeper Ed King.


Taffs Well were causing problems for Ammanford with their pace and slick passing and on the half hour mark, Well midfielder Harry Treharne shot over the bar.


A much changed Ammanford team from the previous game were having trouble getting a foothold in the game and Treharne had another opportunity when he latched onto a free kick in the area but could only direct a weak shot at home keeper Luke Martin.


Ammanford were no doubt glad to go into the break level with Well having been much the better team first half.


Ammanford looked much livelier at the start of the second half with Craig Davies coming on off the bench to inject more pace into the front line.


Just before the hour mark Ammanford midfielder Tom Pratt burst into the area and was only denied a goalscoring chance by a last-ditch tackle before Luke Harris sent a header narrowly wide from the resulting corner.


Ten minutes later Matthew Fisher forced Well keeper Ed King into a fine save following good work from Callum Thomas.


It then took a superb fingertip save from home keeper Martin to send a Harri Edwards shot over the bar.


Both keepers were in fine form and it was King who was next in action to keep the scores level as he raced out of his area for a crucial block on Craig Davies who had burst through the Well defence.


Taffs Well were still looking sharp and full of energy and Martin was forced into another fine save twelve minutes from time.


As the clock was ticking down Ammanford had a very strong shout for a penalty turned down when Adam Morgan appeared to have been fouled as he raced in on goal, their claims falling on deaf ears.


Taffs Well pressurised the Ammanford goal for the last couple of minutes but were unable to find their way past the excellent Luke Martin


The referee’s whistle signalled the end of 90 minutes and with no extra time in the Welsh Cup the match went to a penalty shoot-out.


Man of the match Martin, making his home debut was the hero in the shootout with two excellent saves. and after Lewis Reed and Liam Samuel had dispatched their penalties it was left to Matthew Fisher to fire home the spot kick to take his team into the second round.


Aeth CPD Rhydaman drwyddo i’r ail rownd o Gwpan Cymru JD ar ôl curo Ffynon Taf. Roedd y gem wedi cael ei setlo o’r smotyn ar ôl i’r gem orffen yn ddi-sgor ar ôl 90 munud.


Roedd y gêm hon y trydedd tro i’r ddau dîm chwarae eu gilydd yn y wythnosau diwethaf, ac y du a gwynion oedd y rhai a wnaeth ennill y ddau gem gyntaf. Ond dechreuodd Ffynon Taf y gem yn well, ac ar ôl deg munud, saethodd Adam Ward heibio i’r postyn.


Ychydig o funudau wedyn, cafodd Callum Thomas gyfle cyntaf i’r tîm cartref, ac wnaeth Ed King yn y gôl i’r gwrthwynebwyr arbed yn dda.


Roedd Ffynon Taf yn achosi problemau i Rhydaman trwy ei gyflymder a’i phasio da, ac ar ôl hanner awr, wnaeth Harry Treharne saethu dros y bar.


Gwnaeth Gruff Harrison wneud llawer o newidiadau i’r tîm cychwynol, ac roeddent yn cael trafferth setlo mewn i’r gêm. Cafodd Treharne ail gyfle i agor y sgor, ond roedd ei ymdrech gwan wedi cael ei dal gan Luke Martin.


Roedd Rhydaman yn hapusach o’r ddau dîm i weld yr hanner cyntaf yn cloi ar ôl i’r ymwelwyr weld bod y tîm gorau ar ôl 45 munud o chwarae.


Ar ôl yr egwyl, dechreuodd Rhydaman chwarae’n llawer gwell, ac roedd y eilydd Craig Davies wedi dod ag egni a chyflymder i’r tîm i ymosod. Ychydig cyn yr awr, ond am dacl hwyr gwych gan yr amddiffynnwr, byddai Tom Pratt wedi torri’r sbnodyn. O’r cornel dilynodd, aeth Luke Harris yn agos gyda peniad pwerus.


Deg munud wedyn, wnaeth King achub yn wych o ergyd Matthew Fisher ar ôl gwaith da gan Thomas.


Roedd y ddau golgeidwad yn chwarae’n dda, ac y tro hwn, roedd e’n tro Martin i serennu. Cafodd cyn chwaraewr Llanelli bys ysgafn o ergyd gan Harri Edwards cyn i King achub yn dda o dan droed Davies wrth iddo dorri trwy amddiffyn y gwrthwynebwyr.


Yn yr eiliadau olaf o’r gem, roedd Rhydaman eisiau cic o’r smotyn ar ôl i Adam Morgan gael ei lorio cyn i Ffynon Taf bwyso’r gôl, ond gwelodd Martin ei ffordd eto.


Gyda dim sgor ar ôl y 90 munud, aeth y gem i giciau o’r smotyn. Arwr y gem oedd Martin. Roedd yr athro ymarfer corff o Lanelli wedi arbed dwy ymdrech, ac ar ôl i Lewis Reed a Liam Samuel sgori gyda’u hymdrechion, sgorodd Fisher i sicrhau safle yn rownd nesaf y cwpan.