Match Report: Ammanford AFC 3-0 Carmarthen Town

Photo Credit: Ian Parfitt


A pair of goals and an assist from Mark Jones against his former club secured Ammanford’s passage into the Southern Section Semi-Finals of the Welsh Blood Service League Cup.


Callum Thomas’ smart finish had given the Black and Whites the lead in the opening half before Jones’ brace in the second half ensured that Ammanford would dispatch Carmarthen Town who had Jordan Vickers sent off in the second stanza for two bookable offences.


Gruff Harrison rang the changes from last week’s victory against Cwmbran Celtic but the new faces in the starting lineup did little to deter Town’s momentum from that win as they took the lead after just three minutes. Jones, playing against his former charges, played a lovely pass into Thomas who beat the offside trap to give Ammanford the early lead.


After the goal, the hosts played with confidence and carved out three great opportunities to increase their advantage. Jones connected brilliantly with Tristan Jenkins’ cross but it hit the crossbar on its way over before the provider of the delivery created two chances of his own. Firstly, pinching the ball in midfield and firing narrowly followed by a freekick that was well stopped by Lee Idzi.


Undoubtedly, it was the home side who enjoyed the better of the first period but after the break, the Old Gold started strongly and were the better side in the third quarter. They were enjoying large spells of possession and Jack Lansdown had to be alert to produce an excellent stop from Noah Daley which encapsulated Ammanford’s strong defensive display over the course of the 90 minutes.


With Carmarthen in the ascendancy, disaster struck for the visitors. Jordan Vickers, who had been cautioned in the opening period, was given his second card with twenty to play to reduce the Old Gold to ten.


Just three minutes later, Ammanford made the numerical advantage count. A freekick from the right-hand side found Jones inside the area. He turned neatly and buried the chance into the bottom corner of the net.


Four minutes later, Jones ensured his side’s progression in the League Cup. Ellis Williams set up Jones who flicked the ball home for his second of the evening.


Despite the win, the most successful news of the evening came from off-the-field action with over £500 raised for local cancer patient Dominic. Thank you to everyone who donated and to all who organised the charity collection.



Dau gôl droed gan Mark Jones sicrhau fuddugoliaeth i Rhydaman yn erbyn Caerfyrddin yng Nghwpan Cynghrair Gwasanaeth Gwaed Cymru ar Faes Hamdden Rhydaman.


Sgoriodd Callum Thomas gôl gynnar cyn i Jones rwydo ddwywaith yn yr ail hanner, tra wnaeth Caerfyrddin orffen y gêm gyda deg dyn ar ôl i Jordan Vickers gael ei ddanfon oddi ar y maes ar ôl dwy garden felen.


Newidiodd Gruff Harrison y tîm cychwynol, ond nid aeth y newidiadau rhwystro momentwm Rhydaman o’r fuddugoliaeth wythnos diwethaf. Aeth y du a gwynion ar y blaen ar ôl tair munud. Chwaraeodd Jones pass glyfar i Thomas, ac yna wnaeth yr asgellwr rwydo’n dda.


Creodd Rhydaman dri siawns i ddwbli eu mantais yn y hanner cyntaf. Bwriodd peniad Jones y trawst o grosiad Tristan Jenkins cyn i’r asgellwr greu dau siawns da iddo’i hun. Yn gyntaf, dwyniodd y bêl yn nganol y cae cyn saethu dros y bar, ac yna cafodd ei gic rhydd ei arbed yn dda gan Lee Idzi yn nghol y gwrthwynebwyr.


Er bod Rhydaman wedi mwynhau’r gorau o’r gem yn y hanner cyntaf, gwelwyd gwelliant gan y gwrthwynebwyr yn yr ail hanner. Roedden nhw’n mwynhau mwy o’r bêl, a bu’n rhaid i Jack Lansdown fod yn ymwybodol i achub yn dda o Noah Daley.


Wnaeth Caerfyrddin barhau i gystadlu, ond cafwyd problem pan gafodd Vickers ei ddanfon oddi ar y maes yn dilyn ei ail garden melyn..


Er gwaethaf i Caerfyrddin ymestyn y gem, manteisiodd Rhydaman ar ôl tri munud. Cafodd cic rhydd eu chwarae i mewn i Jones yn y cwrt. Trodd yr ymosodwr profiadol yn dda ac orffen yn nghornel isaf y rhwyd.


Pedwar munud yn ddiweddarach, cafodd y fuddugoliaeth ei sicrhau. Chwaraeodd Ellis Williams y bêl i Jones, ac fe wnaeth xyn chwaraewr Caerfyrddin flicio’r bêl i gefn y rhwyd am ei ail gôl y noson.


Er gwaethaf y fuddugoliaeth, daeth y newyddion gorau o’r noson oddi ar y cae. Cododd cefnogwyr y dref dros £500 i Dominic, sy’n cael triniaeth am ganser. Diolch i bawb a gyfrannodd, ac i bawb a drefnodd y noson.