Match Report: Ammanford AFC 4-3 Cwmbran Celtic


Lewis Reed’s hattrick secured Ammanford’s first victory since September in an absolute classic of a game against high-flying Cwmbran Celtic.


Having been pegged back twice before the break, Cwmbran took the lead with half an hour to go. But in a similar manner to many games this season, the Black and Whites left it late and earned victory thanks to late goals to open up a five-point gap to 6th place in the league.


After over a month without a home fixture, Ammanford returned to home comforts in the best possible manner and were ahead after just three minutes. Ellis Williams charged forward and his effort from an angle struck the inside of the post. Thankfully, the rebound fell kindly to Reed who lashed the ball high into the roof of the net for his first of the evening.


Tristan Jenkins went close from a freekick hitting the outside of the post before Ammanford were pegged back. After failing to clear the attacking danger, Lewis Iles slotted home from close range for the visitors to restore parity.


The equaliser bolstered Celtic and they were controlling the attacking play. They were creating half chances but nothing that seriously threatened Luke Martin’s goal.


Somewhat against the run of play, Ammanford went back in front on the half-hour. Adam John and Callum Thomas combined brilliantly down the right flank before teeing up Reed for his second of the night.


Jenkins came within a whisker of giving the hosts a two-goal cushion but fired narrowly over the bar after being played in cleverly by John inside the area.


Ammanford were made to pay for their wastefulness in front of goal as Celtic were level at the interval. Alex McDowell showed great feet on the edge of the area to turn his man before rifling home an unstoppable strike.


The away side got their noses in front after the hour from the spot. Luke Harris was adjudged to have brought down the opposition forward inside the penalty area. Top scorer Alex Bonthron sent Martin the wrong way to give the Yellows the lead for the first time in the evening.


With the weather getting progressively worse, both sides were struggling to keep possession and create clear chances as the second period wore on. It took a quarter of an hour after the spot kick for a clear sight of goal for either side as Reed went within inches of grabbing his hattrick and the equaliser. However, his header from Jenkins’ delicious cross was inches wide of the post.


The chance galvanised the 135-strong home crowd and they sensed that there was a route back into the game for the home side and they were to be proved right with seven to play. After missing a couple of chances earlier in the game, Jenkins’ shot from distance found the back of the net to level the scores to restart Ammanford’s road to victory.


With three to go, Gruff Harrison’s men completed the turnaround. John did brilliantly to set up Reed inside the area who made no mistake, bagging his 11th goal in the JD Cymru South to round off a famous comeback for Ammanford.


Wnaeth tri gôl Lewis Reed sicrhau buddugoliaeth i Rhydaman wrth iddynt ddod o’i tu ôl iddi yn erbyn Cwmbran Celtic.


Ar ôl mynd ar y blaen ddwywaith yn y hanner cyntaf, wnaeth y gwrthwynebwyr gyfuno sgôr cyn iddynt fynd ar y blaen ar ôl awr. Ond wnaeth ddwy gôl hwyr gan Tristan Jenkins a Reed sicrhau bod y tri phwynt yn aros yn Sir Gaer.


Yn eu gem gyntaf ar Faes Hamdden Rhydaman am dros mis, dechreuodd Rhydaman yn y ffordd gorau bosibl ac aethant ar y blaen ar ôl tri munud. Carlamodd Ellis Williams i’r cwrt a wnaeth ei ymdrech i bwrw’r postyn ac yn syth i draed Reed a wnaeth saethu i dô’r rhwyd am ei gyntaf y noson.


Bwrodd Jenkins y postyn o gic rhydd cyn i Cwmbran Celtic gyfuno’r sgôr. Wnaeth amddiffyn llac adael Lewis Illes yn rhydd yn y cwrt ac wnaeth cyn-ymosodwr Pontypridd rolio’r bêl i gefn y rhwyd.


Roedd y gwrthwynebwyr yn ymosod yn dda, ond er hynny, methodd nhw I trafferthi Luke Martin yn ngôl Rhydaman.


Yn erbyn llif y gêm, aeth Rhydaman yn ôl ar y blaen. Roedd Adam John a Callum Thomas wedi chwarae’n dda lawr yr asgell dde i chwarae Lewis Reed i mewn am ei ail gôl y noson.


Roedd y mantes bron wedi ei ddwbli ond saethodd Jenkins dros y trawst ar ôl cael ei ware i mewn gan John yn y cwrt.


Wnaeth y tîm cartref ddifaru’r ymdrech honno achos aeth Celtic i mewn ar hanner amser yn gyfartal. Trodd Alex McDowell yn dda cyn iddo bweri ymdrech i gefn y rhwyd.


Aeth y gwrthwynebwyr ar y blaen ar ôl awr. Dywedodd y dyfarnwr bod Luke Harris wedi troseddu yn y cwrt. Sgorodd prif sgorwr Cwmbran Alex Bonthron o 12 llath i roi’r melynion ar y blaen am y tro cyntaf.


Roedd y tywydd yn mynd o ddrwg i waeth ac roedd y ddau dîm yn cael trafferth rheoli’r gêm. Cymerodd e chwarter awr i’r siawns nesaf gyrraedd. Aeth Reed o gwblhau ei hatric ond aeth ei beniad heibio’r postyn.


Roedd y dorf o 135 yn synhwyro bod ffordd yn ôl i mewn i’r gêm i Rhydaman ac roeddent yn gywir wrth i Tristan Jenkins unioni’r sgôr o bellter gyda 7 munud i’w ddilyn.


Ac roedd y fuddugoliaeth wedi’i sicrhau gyda thair munud i fynd. Rhedodd John i’r cwrt cyn iddo basio’r bêl i Reed a roliwyd y bêl yn daclus i gefn y rhwyd am ei 11fed gôl mewn lliwiau Rhydaman y tymor hwn.