Match Report: Goytre United 2-6 Ammanford AFC

Ammanford made it three consecutive wins in the JD Cymru South with a convincing 6-2 victory over Goytre United at Glenhafod Park.


The Black and Whites, who’d previously lost all eight encounters with the Blues, were on scintillating attacking form and secured the important win thanks to efforts from Euros Griffiths, Lewis Reed, Mark Jones, Cian Cable as well as a pair of goals from Tristan Jenkins.


Things didn’t start well for the visitors as they found themselves behind after just 17 seconds without even touching the ball. Keane Watts was played in down the right wing and lashed home a powerful effort past Luke Martin.


Given that Ammanford had lost 5-0 at the same venue last year, many of Town persuasion were fearing the worst. However, any thoughts of a repeat outcome evaporated as they were level ten minutes later. Ellis Williams delivered a delicious corner perfectly onto the head of Griffiths and the centre half powered his header home.


The turnaround was complete half way through the opening stanza. Liam Samuel’s superb cross found Jenkins inside the penalty area. The winger, who’d missed a number of opportunities the previous week against Pontardawe, made no mistake this time with a volley matching the quality of the cross to give the Black and White’s the lead.


Much like Ammanford had recovered well from going behind, Goytre did too. The hosts were enjoying a lot of the ball and looking to get forward but were struggling to create any chances of note aside from Martin’s point blank save at the far post. 


It was the hosts’ determination to push forward that was their downfall just seconds before the break. From a defensive corner, Morgan Clarke led the counter attack by breaking forward and feeding the marauding Samuel down the right flank. The full back delivered yet another brilliant cross to the feet of Jenkins and despite the best effort of Conah McFenton to keep the ball out, the winger rolled the ball home to give Gruff Harrison’s men a two goal cushion at the interval.


Ammanford started the second half the brighter and had it not been for a marvellous defensive block from Adam John’s goal bound effort, they would have found themselves further in front.

The heroic actions at the back spurred on Laurie Marsh’s men and they halved the arrears just after the hour. Rhys Thomas did brilliantly to turn inside the area and with a finish akin to that of a striker, curled an unstoppable effort past Martin in the Town goal.


Ammanford’s two goal gap was re-established five minutes later when Lewis Reed prodded home from close range after some excellent work down the left wing from Adam John.

This goal was the buffer Ammanford needed as they closed the game out in style. Mark Jones added the fifth after some more sterling work from John forcing a defensive error from the hosts before substitute Cable got his first in Town colours with a low finish from Williams’ well weighted assist. 


The win keeps up Ammanford’s pressure on the Top 5 in the league. With another big away game next week against Baglan Dragons, an exciting end of the season awaits the Black and Whites.


Wnaeth Rhydaman wneud hi’n tair fuddugoliaeth yn olynol yn Gyngrair JD De yn erbyn Goytre United ar Barc Glenhafod, gan ddangos perfformiad arbennig.


Roedd y Du a Gwynion yn wych yn ymosod drwy gydol y pnawn ac wnaeth Euros Griffiths, Lewis Reed, Mark Jones, Cian Cable, yn ogystal â ddwy gol Tristan Jenkins wedi sicrhau’r fuddugoliaeth gyntaf i Rhydaman yn erbyn Goytre mewn y naw gem diwethaf.


Dechreuodd y tîm cartref y gem yn dda ac roeddent ar y blaen ar ôl 17 eiliad. Cafodd Keane Watts ei chwarae i lawr yr asgell dde a phwerodd ei ymdrech heibio Luke Martin.


Ar ôl colli 5-0 ar yr un maes blwyddyn diwethaf, roedd cefnogwyr Rhydaman yn poeni, ond diflanodd y meddylion hynny deg munud wedyn pan daeth y tîm oddi cartref yn gyfartal. Croesodd Ellis Williams y bel i ben Griffiths syth o’r cornel a beniodd ei ymdrech i gefn y rhwyd.


Wnaeth Rhydaman fynd ar y blaen yn hanner cyntaf trwy ergyd gyntaf Jenkins. Croesodd Liam Samuel y bel yn ardderchog i Jenkins a ffoliodd y bel adref o ymyl y cwrt chwech.


Fel ymatebodd Rhydaman yn dda i fynd ar ei ôl, ymatebodd Goytre’n dda hefyd. Roedden nhw’n mwynhau’r bel a meddiant ond methon nhw greu cyfleoedd clir heblaw am beniad ac cafodd ei arbed gan Martin ar y postyn pellaf.


Parhaodd Goytre i ymosod ond wnaeth Rhydaman gwrth ymosod yn wych eiliadau cyn yr egwyl. O gornel amddiffynnol, torodd Morgan Clarke yn rhydd ac fe gafodd ei bas darganfod gan Samuel. Croesodd Samuel yn wych unwaith eto i draed Jenkins i sgorio ei ail gol y pnawn.


Dechreuodd Rhydaman yr ail hanner yn dda ac er gwaethaf bloc arbennig gan amddiffynwyr Goytre, ni fyddai dim Gruff Harrison wedi ymestyn ei mantes.


Wnaeth y bloc ysbrydoli Laurie March ac fe dorrodd nhw’r mantes mewn hanner munudau wedyn. Troiodd Rhys Thomas yn wych yn y cwrt ac saethodd yn daclus i gefn y rhwyd.


Ond ni wnaeth y gôl yn poeni Rhydyaman ac ailedrychasant eu mantes drwy ymdrech Reed. Croesodd John y bel yn dda i’r cwrt chwech i ddarganfod prif sgorwr Rhydaman i gywiro’r bel adref o dwy llath allan.


Wnaeth ddwy gol hwyr rhoi’r ceirios ar ben y cacen i Rhydaman. Chwaraeodd John yn dda i lawr yr asgell chwith i gyflawni’r dasg haws i Jones orffen i’r gornel isaf. cyn i Cable sgorio ei gôl gyntaf mewn lliwiau’r dref ar ôl pas dda gan Williams ynghanol y cae.