Match Report: Abergavenny Town 0-1 Ammanford AFC


Ammanford made it eight consecutive games undefeated after making hard work of dispatching JD Cymru South basement dwellers Abergavenny Town.

Lewis Reed’s header midway through the second half was enough to separate the two sides on an evening which saw Town miss a glut of chances and relegate the Blues in the process.


On a windy evening, Ammanford dominated the ball but faced stubborn resistance from a home side that knew that defeat would condemn them to the third tier. Skipper Tom Pratt, the retuning Matthew Fisher and Reed all went close but failed to keep their efforts below the crossbar.


The best chance of the half fell to Ellis WIlliams. The left back fired a powerful drive towards goal but was denied his third of the season by a smart stop from the impressive Josh Winstone in the home goal.


The second half started in a similar ilk to the first with Gruff Harrison’s men enjoying the majority of the ball but were struggling to finish their chances.

Tristan Jenkins and Adam John were lively down the flanks but last ditch defending stopped the visitors from getting clear sights at goal. Pratt went closer still when his effort struck the inside of the post and bounced into the arms of the grateful keeper.


Reed and Euros Griffiths both went close with headers before the Black and Whites eventually did break the deadlock. Great interplay between WIlliams and John down the left set up Reed unmarked inside the area. The league’s leading scorer powered his header past the helpless Winstone to give Ammanford the lead.


The goal produced a reaction from the home side and they looked to preserve their league status. A dangerous ball was whipped across the Ammanford six yard box but thankfully, no one in blue was able to get a telling touch. 


But despite the reaction, Ammanford spurned a trio of chances of their own after taking the lead. John rolled the ball wide from inside the area, Griffiths saw another header miss the target before Morgan Clarke linked well with sub Mark Jones but could only fire over.


However, it was to count for nothing as despite a last minute corner being hurled into the box, Luke Martin kept his second clean sheet in as many matches to keep the pressure on the top two, Llanelli and Briton Ferry Llansawel with the latter being Ammanford’s next opponents on Tuesday night.

Wnaeth Rhydaman wneud hi’n wyth gem heb golli gyda buddugoliaeth galed oddi cartref yn erbyn CPD Tref Y Fenni ar noson wyntog o wanwyn.


Roedd peniad Lewis Reed hanner ffordd twy’r ail hanner yn ddigon i sicrhau’r tri phwynt ar noson a welodd y tim cartref colli ei lle yn yr ail rheng ar gyfer y tymor nesaf.


Dechreuodd Rhydaman y gem yn dda ac roeddent yn gyfforddus ar y bel ac yn creu cyfleoedd. Aeth Matthew Fisher, capten Tom Pratt a Reed yn agos ond methon nhw gadw’r bel i lawr. Daeth cyfle gorau Rhydaman yr hanner cyntaf o droed Ellis Williams. Saethodd yr amddiffynwr ymdrech bwerus ond arbediodd Josh WInstone yn wych yn nghol y tim cartref.


Dechreuodd yr ail hanner yn yr un ffordd ar hanner gyntaf gyda’r ymwelwyr yn rheoli’r bel ond yn methu trafod y sgori.


Bwrodd Pratt y postyn o ymdrech o gic cornel cyn i Reed a Euros Griffiths fynd yn agos gyda phar o beniadau.


O’r diwedd, hanner ffordd trwy’r ail hanner, aeth Rhydaman ar y blaen. Ar ôl chwarae da rhwng Williams ac Adam John, wnaeth croesiad ddarganfod Reed yn rhydd yn y cwrt cosbi a pwerodd e ei beniad i gefn y rhwyd.


Defrodd y Fenni ar ôl y gol ac cawsom nhw eu cyfle gorau ymunudau yn ddiweddarach. Aeth croesiad peryglus i’r cwrt back ond yn ffodus, doedd neb yn crys glas gallu rhoi’r cyffyrddiad pwysig i gwiro bel heibio Luke Martin.


Ond er hyn, dylai Rhydaman wedi sgori mwy ac methon nhw fwy o gyfleoedd i ymestyn y mantais trwy beniad Griffiths, ymdrech John ac saethiad Morgan Clarke ac aeth dros y bar.


Ond er i’r tim cartref gael chic cornel yn yr eiliadau olaf, arosodd amddiffyn Rhydaman yn gadarn ac ennillodd Luke Martin ei ail lechen lan yn olynol i gadw’r pwysau i fyny ar Llansawel a Llanelli ar frig y tabl.