Match Report: Ammanford AFC 1-3 Llanelli Town AFC


Ammanford’s outside chances of capturing the JD Cymru South title all but ended on Friday night as league leaders Llanelli earned a hard fought victory at the Recreation Ground.


Tristan Jenkins had given Town the lead before experienced defended Sean Cronin equalised for the Reds. But a brace either side of the break from Joe Hopkins gave the Reds the deserved shared of the spoils in front of a bumper crowd in East Carmarthenshire. 


A cagey opening saw very few chances fall to either side. Jenkins curled an effort from distance over the bar whilst the visitors saw a looping effort fall the wrong side of the crossbar.


WIth their first shot on target, Town took the lead. With the Reds pushing forward, Ellis Williams played a long ball over the heads of the high lined defence. Jenkins raced onto the pass and curled his effort around the keeper to give the Black and Whites the lead.


However, the lead didn’t last long. Josh Allen sent a warning shot over the bar immediately after kick off before Llanelli were level. Cronin worked his way into space from a corner and powered his header past Luke Martin. 


The turnaround was complete just before half time. Hopkins grabbed his first of the evening with a cute finish from close range despite furious protestation from the home defence about a foul in the build up.


Forty seconds into the second half, Gruff Harrison’s side tough task of getting back into the game became a monumental one as Hopkins grabbed his second of the contest. From distance, he lashed the ball powerfully towards goal and the swerve on the ball caught out the home defence. 


The disastrous start to the half dispirited the hosts and they struggled to get a foothold in the game. Llanelli were the more threatening and went close again when Ethan Cann, who’d just returned from Wales C action, saw two chances go close. Firstly hitting the side netting before lashing a venomous shot that would have hit the back of the net had it not been for the strong palm of Martin.

Despite plenty of endeavour late on, Ammanford couldn’t break down a resolute and organised back line. Half chances fell to Jenkins, Williams and Euros Griffiths, but with no change in the scoreline, The Black and Whites were forced to concede their dreams of an unlikely title were over for the campaign.



Mae obeithion Rhydaman o ennill y gynghrair ar ddiwedd y tymor bron â diflannu wrth iddynt golli o 3-1 yn erbyn CPD Tref Llanelli ar y Rec.  


Agorodd Tristan Jenkins y sgorio cyn i’r amddiffynnwr profiadol Sean Cronin unioni’r sgôr. Ond wnaeth par o goliau gan Joe Hopkins sicrhau buddugoliaeth haeddiannol i’r gwrthwynebwyr o flaen torf fawr.  


Dechreuodd y gêm gyda’r ddwy dîm yn nerfus. Daeth hanner cyfleon i Jenkins ac i Hopkins cyn i’r tîm cartref fynd ar y blaen.  


Wrth i amddiffyn Llanelli wthio i fyny, chwaraeodd Ellis Williams bêl hyfryd dros benau’r amddiffynwyr i ddarganfod Jenkins. Rhedodd yr asgellwr i’r cwrt cosbi ac fe griminodd ef y bêl i gefn y rhwyd.  


Roedd Llanelli yn gyfartal munudau wedyn trwy beniad Cronin. Cafodd cornel ei chwarae i mewn i ganol y cwrt a wnaeth yr amddiffynnwr profiadol ddarganfod cefn y rhwyd.  


Aeth pethau o ddrwg i waeth i’r tîm cartref ar ôl i Hopkins sgorio ei gôl gyntaf eiliadau cyn yr egwyl. Cafodd y bêl ei chwarae i mewn i’r cwrt bach ac fe orffennodd yr ymosodwr yn dwt er gwynion chwaraewyr y tîm cartref.  


Aeth tasg anodd bron yn dasg amhosibl mewn eiliadau o’r ail hanner cychwyn. Bwriodd Hopkins ergyd bwerus o bellter. Wnaeth yr ymdrech fynd dros ben Luke Martin ac i gefn y rhwyd.  


Ar ôl y dechreuad siomedig, chwaraeodd Llanelli yn dda a chreuon nhw gyfleon i fynd ymhellach ar y blaen. Aeth Ethan Cann yn agos ddwywaith. Yn gyntaf yn taro’r rhwyd ochr cyn i’w ymdrech daro’r trawst ar ôl arbediad rhagorol gan Martin. 


Creuodd Rhydaman hanner cyfleon trwy Williams, Jenkins ac Euros Griffiths, ond methon nhw dorri trwodd amddiffyn gadarn a threfnus y gwrthwynebwyr wrth iddynt golli unrhyw obaith o ennill y cwpan ar ddiwedd y tymor.