Match Report: Caerau Ely 1-2 Ammanford AFC

Photo Credit: Dave Hollands


For the third time in a week, Ammanford came from behind in the dying embers of a game to earn victory, maintaining their perfect start to the campaign in the process at the expense of Caerau Ely at Cwrt yr Ala Road.


After a goalless first half, Liam Bishop notched his first goal of the campaign to give the hosts the lead after 53 minutes before the visitors equalised through Mathew Fisher’s freekick and took the lead with just four minutes to go thanks to Lewis Reed’s header.


Ammanford made a bright start to the game and nearly found themselves up a goal up with a minute gone. Tristan Jenkins drove at the Young Guns defence. His 20 yard run found Reed on the edge of the box. From a tight angle, he forced a smart stop from Harry Johnson in the home goal.


Ammanford continued to attack as Jenkins put a one-on-one wide of the target and Adam Orme’s flick on from a Jay Harris freekick was dealt with well by the opposition keeper.


Although Town started the brighter, the league newcomers grew into the game and the rest of the half was a rather tense and cagey affair although they were indebted to Euros Griffiths’ block on the goal line to keep the scores deadlocked at the interval.


The hosts found themselves ahead in the 53rd minute. Bishop found the back of the net for his first goal of the 23/24 campaign just minutes after Ammanford were screaming for a possible handball outside the area.


Despite Harris hitting the post for Gruff Harrison’s side, the goal galvanised Caerau Ely who spent large parts of the second half on top. Ellis Williams had to recover superbly to put in a last ditch tackle to prevent a second goal finding the back of the net.


Just like Tuesday night, Harrison looked to the bench to change the game making a triple substitution on 65 minutes with Fisher, Morgan Clarke and Craig Davies coming onto the field. Just ten minutes later, one of those changes paid dividends as Fisher’s rocket of a freekick kissed the post and found a home in the back of the net.


Ammanford sensed a winner and came within a whisker when Reed’s looping header cannoned off the bar. But they weren’t to be denied a second time. A beautiful cross from Fisher from the left wing found Reed unmarked in the area who made no mistake to maintain Ammanford’s perfect start to the season.



Am y trydedd tro mewn wythnos, wnaeth Rhydaman sgorio’n hwyr i gipio buddugoliaeth ac yn cadw ei record berffaith i ddechrau’r tymor, y tro yma yn erbyn Caerau Ely ar Heol Cwrt Ala.


Ar ôl hanner cyntaf ddi-sgor, wnaeth y tîm cartref gymryd mantais drwy gôl cyntaf y tymor Liam Bishop ond wnaeth Rhydaman droi’r gêm i rownd gyda cic rhydd gan Mathew Fisher a pheniad gan Lewis Reed.


Wnaeth yr ymwelwyr ddechrau’r gêm yn dda ac wnaeth Tristan Jenkins rhedeg dau ddeg llath gyda’r bêl cyn iddo ddarganfod Reed yn y cwrt. O ongl dynn, wnaeth ei ymdrech ddod â ac arbediad campus o Harry Johnson.


Roedd Rhydaman yn ymosod yn dda yn y chwarter cyntaf. Aeth Jenkins yn agos at siawns un ar un, ond rholiodd y bêl i ochr anghywir y postyn cyn i Adam Orme benio’r bêl tua’r gôl, ond i weld Johnson yn delio â’r ymdrech yn dda.


Ar ôl dechrau bywiol, wnaeth y gêm arafu ychydig a roedd y ddau dîm yn brwydro am y bêl yng nghanol y cae. Aeth y tîm cartref yn agos at fynd ar y blaen ond cliriodd Euros Griffiths yn dda oddi wrth y llinell.


Ar ôl 8 munud yn yr ail hanner, aeth Caerau Ely ar y blaen trwy ymdrech Bishop ac er bod Luke Harris yn taro’r postyn gyda ymdrech o bellter, roedd y trydedd chwarter yn perthyn i’r Young Guns. Ond am dacl wych Ellis Williams, byddai Rhydaman wedi bod 2-0 i lawr.


Mewn ymdrech i newid y gêm, wnaeth hyfforddwr Gruff Harrison droi at ei fainc a dod â Mathew Fisher, Morgan Clarke a Craig Davies i’r maes ac eto, wnaeth hynnu wneud y gwahaniaeth. O bellter, wnaeth Fisher saethu cic rhydd a taro’r postyn  cyn i’r bêl ddarganfod cefn y rhwyd.


Roedd Rhydaman yn teimlo’r enillwyr yn y gêm ac aethon nhw’n agos iawn pan wnaeth Reed daro’r trawst gyda’i beniad. Ond gyda 4 munud i fynd, wnaeth Fisher groesi’r bêl i Reed i gipio’r fuddugoliaeth yn hwyr unwaith eto.